2021 National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalists
Two students from Homer High School have been selected as semifinalists for the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program.
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation announced in early September that Jeremiah Bartel and Lawrence Dunn are semifinalists in the program. They are two of about 16,000 semifinalists, according to a press release from the corporation. The program rewards academically talented high school seniors, giving out about 7,600 merit scholarships totaling $30 million.
To move on to the finalist stage, high schools must submit a detailed scholarship application on behalf of the semifinalists. It will details their academic record, school and community activities, leadership abilities, employment, honors and awards.
Another Homer High student, Vianne Sarber, has been recognized as a 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Student. She did not reach the stage of semifinalist but placed among the top 50,000 scorers of the preliminary qualifying test, out of more than 1.5 million who applied.
Fireweed Academy
Both Big and Little Fireweed
Nov. 13 & 14 — Fireweed Academy’s Strategic Plan Development meetings via Zoom
Nov. 26 & 27 — Thanksgiving Break, no school
Dec. 18 — No School, end of second quarter and in-service/work day
Dec. 19-Jan. 3 — Winter Break
Jan. 4 — First Day of the third quarter
Kachemak Bay Campus
Open registration for the Spring semester begins Monday, Nov. 23. Look for the Spring class schedule in your mailbox and around town.
Attention future college students (and their parents): Are you undecided about whether college is right for you or overwhelmed by all the choices? Do you have trouble finding the information you are looking for on websites? Do you have questions about the different kinds of financial aid available? Would you like to learn how to create an academic resume? KPC will be hosting the following three, free virtual “College 101” classes in November that will address these questions and more. These are free.
1. Resources for Exploration will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 9. Review websites and other resources for exploring colleges, majors, careers, and scholarships. This includes visiting college websites, submitting requests for more information, taking physical and/or virtual tours, using sites like Career Coach and AKCIS for career information, and more. The free class will also cover the basics of creating an academic resume for college and scholarship applications. To register visit https://kbcnoncredit.asapconnected.com or call 235-1651.
2. Admissions Timelines and Financial Aid will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 16. Learn about admissions timelines for both high school seniors and adult students returning to school. The class will guide this discussion but plan to cover the various options for college admissions. Also included in the discussion: placement testing, financial aid, registration, and other deadlines. Includes a comparison of the similarities and differences between high school and college. To register visit https://kbcnoncredit.asapconnected.com or call 235-1651.
3. Tips and Tricks for Succeeding in College will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 23. Whether this is a first attempt at college or a return to college after a break in education, this class will discuss tips and tricks to help make your first semester a successful one. Everything from attending orientation, to finding and utilizing valuable campus resources, and connecting with your advisor. To register visit https://kbcnoncredit.asapconnected.com or call 235-1651.