In a time of uncertainty, it certainly is nice to know where the stability is. This spring, when farmers markets around the country were getting closed down for fear of community gathering places being able to spread COVID-19, we didn’t even know if the Homer Farmers Market would be able to open. But when I asked the farmers how they were responding to all the shut downs, most of the responses were the same.
We are planting, they said.
Of course they were. That’s why there were carrots and broccoli at the Market on July 4. Farmers plan and farmers plant. That’s their business. Their job is to get you all the greens and herbs, onions, rhubarb, radishes, garlic, kale, peas, strawberries, cabbage and swiss chard they can this summer.
But they aren’t the only ones who plan, stock up and organize their businesses for the Market. Since Markets are open on Wednesdays now too, I asked the Pie Guy if he was going to be there. He said he planned on it, only he had missed the first one because he was up the road getting 12 cases of peaches. It took two days to process them all. He showed up at the Market with 67 pies and two hours of sleep.
Then there are the new vendors just getting started at the Market. The Dharma Spruce booth has soaps and salts made from Prince William Sound salt. Excited to be in Homer, Branden says a focus has been growing the business with sustainability in mind, using reused and recyclable materials for their bottles and containers. During these times, getting to wash your hands with a sample of her soap seems like the perfect way to kick off her business in the community.
But the Homer Farmers Market isn’t the only option for farmers and other small businesses to show off their work. If you are outside the Cheeky Moose in Anchor Point on Tuesdays from 5-8 p.m. or Thursdays from noon-4 p.m. you can check out the new Anchor Point Market too.
Even during COVID-19, you can count on Farmers Markets to be a solid, grounded part of the community.
The Homer Farmers Market is open on Wednesdays from 2 to 5 p.m. as well as Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. down on Ocean Drive.
Kyra Wagner is the coordinator of Sustainable Homer and the Homer Farmers Market’s biggest fan.