Last Saturday at the Homer Farmers Market it was warm even though it was raining. You can dodge underneath the different tent covers to stay dry and strike up a conversation with the vendor. On days like this when the normal crowds thin out, it is easier to see all the interactions happening at the market.
I saw some friends standing in front of Scott Miller’s booth when I arrived. I had completely circled the entire Market only to find them in the same location. They may have started out looking at his carved wooden pendants, but one by one people came by that they knew and struck up conversations.
It’s the rainy days when you get to see that undercurrent of community at the Market so clearly. The vendors have more time to talk and say hi. Customers seem to hurry less and look more at what is being offered.
Then there’s the music, the kids’ activities, the chef demos and all the other things that go on no matter how many people are in attendance. There are so many things to tap into at the Farmers Market that it still manages to bring people out even in the rain.
It may not be raining this weekend, but that essence of community connection will still be there. You’ll see Bob Durrr’s new pumpkins, Christina’s artichokes, Paul’s fennel, bins of carrots, greens, onions and garlic. There are piles of zucchinis, Bunches of herbs, beautiful tomatoes, and beans and peas.
This has been going now for 20 years and we can only assume that this bounty will only grow. But it’s not the vegetables that hold this all together. It’s farmers. Seeing over the years the amount of hard work that goes into farming, I must say that every vegetable that shows up is a miracle. It’s a miraculous blessing to our little community that we have farmers willing to grow our food. Imagine if they changed their minds.
And from that dedication grows the Market. See it yourself down on Ocean Drive this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Wednesday from 2 to 5 p.m.
Kyra Wagner is the coordinator of Sustainable Homer and the Homer Farmers Market’s biggest fan.