Arts Briefs

The Shop launches kids and teens program

The Shop: Kachemak Bay Art Space will hold Kids Art Day with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for its new kids and teens program with the Homer Chamber of Commerce from 1-5 p.m. Feb. 17.

Free activities include kite making and decorating, mural painting, decorating a ribbon for the ribbon cutting and T-shirt decorating.

Donations for supplies are appreciated.

The Shop is located on Bear Creek Court in Kachemak City.

Young Dubliners perform at Down East on Feb. 21

After winding down from their summer outdoor festival season, the Young Dubliners have shifted to their winter tour in clubs and indoor venues.

The Los Angeles-based group will perform at 7 p.m. on Feb. 21 at the Down East Saloon as part of their western U.S. tour.

The band Yellow Cabin will open the Homer show.

“The slightly slower pace of live performances in the winter months means that the band can now begin work on their tenth album with new guitarist Justin Pecot, who has been a Young Dub for almost a year,” front man Keith Roberts said in a press release. “It’s an exciting prospect for us to write and record with Justin.

“He has been incredible in the live shows all year and now we get to check out his writing and recording skills, as will all of you.”

Tickets are $15 in advance at the Down East and $20 at the door.

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