What a beautiful day! A big minus tide and a barefoot walk in the sunshine, an idea of a future I have chosen for myself still unknown. My mom called me crazy, and I never would’ve thought of it, but I am able to allow myself a public position of leadership.
The sun shining in the west, full of light and love, people shining all around. Drums beating, the players focused and intense within their own rhythms. Ascending energy all around the circle, one simple vision. Thank you Mavis and all involved, the fire seemed to center all of Homer’s energy, if only for a moment.
The last several weeks I’ve found my mind questioning constantly, seeking love amidst the fear. Fear of myself, others; causes, results. Within the chaos of these questions a group of people gathered, and I felt calm. The pace slowed, the music of my mind clear.
I walked around and around the circle, feeling like a planet around a star, energy and love within my revolutions. Homer in full color, shining in the light. Unity, each individual and the collective, and the differences existing between the people of our city vanished. I quietly wished everyone could experience these feelings.
The choice to set myself on this path is very intimidating, and I am full of fear. I truly am entering an unknown world without a map or a guide, exposed to fears I have yet to discover. But the collective love permeating through the people on the beach eased my fears. Love is the opposite of fear, and it shined in the firelight. This is our home, we are one, and together we should love it.
I’m not seeking to achieve anything, nor do I have goals I feel I need to earn. I’m allowing myself an opportunity, and if the people of Homer allow it, I will do my best to represent all voices. What a beautiful day!