May 12-16 is Bike to Work Week, an event that happens in cities and towns and communities across the nation to promote safe bicycling. More and more people are choosing to bike around Homer. The number of cyclists on these fairweather days is amazing.
Alaskans are a hardy outdoor people, but we rank 43rd in safe cycling and pedestrian infrastructure compared to other states. We can work toward changing these conditions. Here in Homer we have incredible trails, but they are not always connected. There are many low-cost, simple solutions we can enact to make our transportation system work better for motorist, cyclist and pedestrian.
Many of our roads are wide enough to accommodate a bike lane or a wide shoulder. Some roads need safe shoulders as a beginning.
There are strategic trail connections that would turn our scattered trails into a trail system. Homer has always envisioned itself as a pedestrian- and bike-friendly community and has made great progress, though there is still work to do. The first step towards a bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly community costs nothing at all: slow down. Practice courteous driving, cycling and pedestrian behavior. After all, we live in Homer.
Adele Groning