Best Bets

In light of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address this week, the Betster got to thinking about the state of our quiet, quaint little Hamlet by the Sea, and decided to compile just a few events, observations and goals that other Homerites may or may not identify with.We have had an exceptionally warm year. Must remember to write to the EPA … er, Mother Nature about that.

Homerites proved themselves exceptionally expedient when it comes to following orders, if a little overly cautious and prone to exaggeration, when Homer was hit with a 7.9 earthquake and tsunami warning that turned out to be for not. The city is already thinking of ways to make communication better for the next Big One.

2017 was a year of divisive voting and causes, but Homer has proven once again that our bonds are stronger than our differences. We must resolve, now more than ever, to come together and listen when we disagree.

When it comes to concerns of safety in the greater picture of national defense, Homer has its own unique trick up its sleeve — the capricious and sometimes callous weather that drives even its own residents crazy, and is certainly a roadblock to any invasions.

Goals for the year to come? The Betster proposes we focus on maintaining a well-run government and city that can serve as an example for our more challenged friends in Juneau. Also, more cute sea otter videos.

BEST BOOK BET: Looking for something totally Homer? Head over to the Homer Animal Shelter from 5-7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2 for “An evening with David Jensen (and adorable animals).” This is a First Friday event for Alaska Mindful Paws celebrating one year of the organization having taken over management of the shelter. Jensen, an animal photographer, will be at the shelter with a signed copy of his book, “Puppy Me with Love,” and an inspiring display of photography. There will also be refreshments, and a tour of the facility.

BEST BEYOND THE WHISKERS BET: Continuing on with the creature theme, have you ever wondered just what goes on inside your favorite feline’s head? Ponder no more, because from 6:30-8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2 at Many Rivers Cedar House there will be a presentation called “Zen Mind, Feline Mind: The existential and practical answers that cats refuse to share with us.” This will be based on a comic book: “Chuck The Monk — Empty Fun. Catlike daily wisdom and the quest for the feline Self.” Chuck is a very curious cat looking for answers both in science and spirituality. Join this Buddhist cat in his battle of nature vs nurture and discover the deep and silly secrets these furry sentient beings have been keeping from us.

BEST BOOTY SHAKIN’ BET: If you’d rather attend something to keep you moving, look no further than the square and contra dance being held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4 at West Homer Elementary School. Rich Kleinleder will call to music by the Ne’er Do Wells. Please bring clean soft-soled shoes to dance in. Beginners are welcome. Admission is $10 for adults and $8 for students. Kids 16 and younger get in for free.

BEST SPIRITED SKI BET: What better way to show your support for half your fellow Homerites than by attending this year’s Ski for Women? This is a fundraiser for South Peninsula Haven House. Come out and ski to support women and children in crisis. There will be a costume contest and prizes. Everyone is welcome to this event from noon to 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 4 at the Lookout Trails. Donations will be accepted.