Movie, clothing, food remind us of neighbors’ needs

With temperatures dropping and frost on windshields, it’s clear winter is on its way. For some, that means hauling out heavier coats, planning holiday dinners and settling in for the cold, dark months ahead. For others, it means increased worry about staying warm, fed and sheltered.

Saturday offers one of several opportunities available to Homer residents to lend a helping hand with a free showing of the movie “58:” at the Homer Theatre at 11 a.m. The film documents people committed to alleviating suffering. The Homer showing is sponsored by the Salvation Army and will be followed by a giveaway of 300 new coats in sizes 2T to adult XL. 

The film documents “the global church in action,” according to the film’s website. It draws its name from the Old Testament book of Isaiah, chapter 58, which describes the true fast as summed up in verse 7: “Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter, when you see the naked, to clothe them and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?”

“It is extremely powerful and thought-provoking,” said Lt. Jeff Josephson with the Salvation Army in Homer. “It’s rated PG13 because it goes into detail about some of the hurts and atrocities that are going on across the world. It starts out in Third World countries and ends up right in our back door.”

From the slums in Kenya to the sun-baked plains of Ethiopia, from shopping centers in Great Britain to ganglands in Brazil, from the quarries of India to the streets of New York, director Tony Neeves uses the film to document the battle against poverty and injustice. The film, Neeves says, is inspired by a passion to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”

Showing the film in Homer reflects
the combined efforts of Josephson; Stephanie Freeman, a Salvation Army social justice program assistant in Anchorage; Jenni Ragland, in the Salvation Army’s public relations office in Anchorage; and Fred Meyer’s corporate offices in Portland, Ore.

“We are trying to do something to promote social justice and (Freeman) suggested we show this film,” said Josephson. 

In addition to her part-time role with the Salvation Army, Freeman also is a full-time University of Alaska Anchorage junior, studying social work. She became aware of the film through others who had seen it and “told me what a good movie it is,” she said. When Freeman showed the movie in Anchorage, Josephson saw it and expressed interest in sharing it with Homer audiences.

“Homer is one of those communities that’s so giving and has so many opportunities for people to get involved and make a change,” said Josephson. “That’s what we’re trying to promote. It’s not an evangelism thing for the Salvation Army. It’s just information for the Christian community at large.”

The 300 new coats being given away following the movie have been donated by Fred Meyer as part of “Freddie’s Coats for Kids.” Originally, Fred Meyer approached the Salvation Army with the idea of providing coats throughout Alaska, including communities that do not have Fred Meyer stores. In addition to Homer, coats have been shipped to Southeast Alaska, the Matanuska-Susitna Valley area and Fairbanks. The National Guard will help distribute them in Western Alaska. 

After receiving last year’s donated clothing, Ragland said a request for heavier outwear suitable for Alaska’s severe temperatures was made. This year’s donation of 8,724 coats reflects that request.

“Fred Meyer really stepped up to the plate, listened to what our needs were and really worked with us to make this happen,” said Ragland. 

Freeman will be in Homer for the showing of 58: and speak about poverty and human trafficking “that is just coming to light as happening in Alaska,” she said. 

While admission to the movie is free, a donation of food for the Salvation Army’s pantry shelves is suggested.

“Protein is a hard thing to come up with. Canned meats, peanut butter. They’re the most expensive and the things we seem to run the lowest on,” said Josephson.

For more on 58: the movie, visit

McKibben Jackinsky can be reached at

Ways to help:


Free showing
of movie “58:”

Rated PG13

11 a.m. Oct. 20 at Homer Theatre

Sponsored by Salvation Army. Suggested donation of non-perishable food item; free coat giveaway following movie, sizes  2T-adult XL; viewing of movie not required.

Food and Fund$Raiser Dinner

Homer United Methodist Church

6-7:30 p.m. Oct. 26

Menu of seafood lasagna, soup, salad, bread and dessert. Admission $15 adult, $7 kids. Tickets are available at Homer Bookstore or bring 15 cans or boxes of food for each adult or seven cans or boxes of food for each child to the food pantry. The bookstore will not accept or collect donations of food in exchange for tickets. Donations and proceeds help refill empty pantry shelves. A drawing for a gold quartz necklace will be held at the dinner. Music by Homer Ukulele Society.

Thanksgiving baskets

Donations being accepted now; applications available at First National Bank Anchorage and Homer Community Food Pantry beginning Oct. 29.

Baskets assembled and distributed at Homer United Methodist Church Nov. 17

Sponsored by Kachemak Bay Lions. Accepting donations of food, financial support and volunteers. Call Amy Shumaker at 399-2430 or leave messages for Fran Van Sandt at

My Sister’s Closet, a new secondhand store

South Peninsula Haven House is accepting donations of furniture, appliances, household items and more. The store to open in late October.

The focus of the store is to provide job training, experience and job references for Haven House clients. Depending on funding, workers in the store will receive a cash stipend or vouchers for the store. The store will be located in the East End Mini Storage, Store No. 11, next to Cycle Logical. Donations will be offered first to Haven House clients and residents, then taken to the store to be sold. All proceeds will benefit South Peninsula Haven House. For more information and location of donation drop-off, call 235-7712.