Editor’s Note: Every month to accompany the Pay It Forward column, which is coordinated by The Homer Foundation, the Homer News runs a list of needs from area nonprofits. If you see a need you can fill, we encourage you to contact the agency and help pay it forward.

Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies needs a good working vacuum cleaner; a twin bed box spring and mattress; a monitor oil stove

Contact:  Beth Trowbridge at


Homer Hockey Association is looking for a LCD monitor for its main office computer. The current one is 17 inches (diagonal), is square and has a 15-pin plug to connect to the computer.  

Contact:  Dean, rink manager, at or 399-1459


Homer Senior Citizens has chairs ($10), washers ($150), and dryers ($150) for sale at the Senior Center.  

Contact:  Keren Kelley at


Hospice of Homer needs someone to clean the office; someone to design and maintain the Hospice newsletter; and someone to help clean Hospice equipment.

Contact: Darlene Hilderbrand at


Kachemak Heritage Land Trust needs a computer monitor, office chairs and a bookshelf. 

Contact:  Marie McCarty at


Kachemak Bay Family Planning Clinic needs a table-height dresser. 

Contact:  235-3436 or email


KBBI is looking for a receptionist/front desk volunteer to cover one shift a week from either 9-1 or 1-5, any day from Monday through Friday. The volunteer would need to be able to help with office tasks, helping the fundraising department with research projects, and be comfortable with computers.

Contact:  Rose Grech at or 235-7721, ext. 224 


Share The Spirit has lots of ways for community members to be involved: volunteer; adopt a family — applications are available in the foyer at Wells Fargo or at; make a monetary donation at Wells Fargo Bank or via mail to P.O. Box 3218, Homer, AK 99603; visit the “Gift Trees” at area retailers — most go up by Nov. 25; attend the Spaghetti Feed Tuesday, Dec. 8 at the Elks Lodge; help pack food baskets, Sunday, Dec. 20, from 1-5 p.m. at Homer High School; help wrap gifts, Monday, Dec. 21, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at Homer High School; be an “Elf” (High school students are needed to do volunteer work with Share the Spirit. Call 235-7466).

Contact:  Shari Daugherty or Kelly Glidden at
