Parnell puts Alaskans health at risk

  The health of 40,000 Alaskans is on the line so that Gov. Sean Parnell can assure the Tea Party that nobody hates President Obama as much as he does. Because of Parnell’s refusal to expand Medicaid, thousands of poor Alaskans and their children will fall through a hole in the Affordable Care Act. 

Even the conservative Alaska State Chamber of Commerce has come out in favor of Medicaid expansion but apparently our governor feels compelled to  demonstrate that he’s the most conservative — and heartless and immature and self-interested — politician in the land. He’s even refused to publicize the results of a study he commissioned to explore the ramifications of Medicaid expansion. Why? 

With the federal government committing to pay for nearly all the costs of  Medicaid expansion, clearly Parnell’s stance is driven by blind ideology and political ambition.   This simply proves that he is no longer worthy of our trust and why we should elect a new governor who cares more about people than power. 

Eric Treider