Proud mom thanks Fireweed

I moved to Homer in the spring of 2011 and was happy to find a charter school without a long waiting list. Before coming to Homer my son had attended elementary schools in both Oregon and Maui. Fireweed Academy has by far exceeded any of those experiences. At Fireweed we get the benefits of creative hands-on projects, theme based learning, a lot of attention to meet his needs and personality such as a private or home school environment.
Furthermore, we receive the benefits that public schools offers such as free education, special ed teachers and the option for hot lunch. However, the best thing at Fireweed is the highly dedicated staff and teachers. Particularly, Jon Kulhanek, who has been an excellent role model. He has managed to capture my child’s attention and love for learning, turned his “I can’t” to “I can,” and “I hate school” to “I don’t want to miss school.” Thank you so much, Fireweed.
Paulia Iida