Homer Farmers Market opens

There are all kinds of ways to judge the return of spring and summer. The arrival of sandhill cranes. The shorebird migration. Fish runs. The end of school. The first cruise ship.

And the opening of the Homer Farmers Market. The Market’s first day was Saturday. Hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Saturday until Sept. 26. Wednesday openings begin July 1.

Robbi Mixon, director of the Market, said Saturday seemed like one of the biggest opening days with an estimated 400 people visiting throughout the day.

The Market is looking for musicians to play on Market days. Interested musicians can email Mixon at manager@homerfarmersmarket.org or call her at 299-7540.


Rubber boots planted with flowers were among the many Market displays. -Photo by Michael Armstrong

Rubber boots planted with flowers were among the many Market displays. -Photo by Michael Armstrong